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Resistance Bands Workouts are an excellent alternative to conventional free weights and weight loaded machines at the gym . In today’s post Covid-19 situation , going to the gym has become an issue as many gyms are closed or have limited access. Read on to learn about how resistance training can benefit  you to reach your fitness goals without gym access.  

What is Resistance Band Training ?

Resistance Band Training is quite similar in motion to regular conventional training with free weights. However, instead of using a dumbbell or barbell, you will use a stretchable band made of synthetic latex. Resistance bands come in various tensions from light to heavy, which allows you to add more resistance as needed similar to adding weights on the bar in conventional gym training. 

Resistance Band Training

Example of Resistance Band Exercises

Learn to Setup an Anchor

You can perform all free weight exercise motions with resistance bands. There is a small learning curve to set up an anchor to secure the band. The anchor can be anything fixed that you can find around the house or yard to hook the band, many exercises you can use your feet as an anchor itself.  

1. Bicep Curl Exercise Using Resistance Band.

Bicep Curl with Resistance Bands

The setup for performing bicep curls with resistance bands is very simple and similar to conventional dumbbells or barbell bicep curls. You only need an appropriate tension resistance  band with your feet as an anchor. (As seen on picture just above)

  • Stand shoulder width apart on resistance bands centered. Your feet will act as an anchor to add resistance on the band during the execution of the exercise. 

  • Starting position : Hold the handles or the bands directly (if no handles) , at hip position and feel slight resistance. 

  • While keeping your core engaged exhale slowly and lift your arms up flexing as the elbows only. 

  • Hold the position at top for a second to allow your muscle to contract effectively.

  • Next lower the weight back down to starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.  


2. Bent Over Row Exercise Using A Resistance Band

Bent Over Row Resistance Band

The setup for performing bent over rows with resistance bands is very simple and similar to conventional dumbbells or barbell bent over rows. You only need an appropriate tension resistance  band with your feet as an anchor. (As seen on picture just above)

  • Stand shoulder width apart on resistance bands centered. Your feet will act as an anchor to add resistance on the band during the execution of the exercise. 

  • Starting position : Bend forward at the hip at 60 - 70 degree angle and hold the resistance at knee position with inward grip ( palm facing towards the body ) . There should be slight tension . 

  • Keeping your core engaged , exhale slowly and pull the bands to your upper rib cage , feeling the tension increase as you pull up. 

  • At the top position hold for a second to fully feel the contraction and activate the muscle. 

  • Slowly lower the band to starting position and perform the motion with desired repetitions. 


3. Chest Press With Resistance Band

Chest Press with Resistance Band

The setup for performing chest press with resistance bands is very simple. You only need an appropriate tension resistance  band with your feet as an anchor. (As seen on picture just above)

  • Take a staggered stance with one foot back and other two steps forward. Anchor the resistance band on the heel of the rear feet . 

  • Starting Position : Hold the band shoulder height with your elbow 45 degree angle . The band will wrap around your tricep for extra tension. 

  • From the starting position press forward by straightening your elbow and bringing your hands between chin and eye level. 

  • At the extended position hold for a second or two to fully contract and feel muscle activation. 

  • Slowly retract back to starting position maintaining tension in the pec muscle and repeat again. 


4. Squat Exercise with Resistance Band

Squat exercise with resistance bands

The setup for performing squat exercise  with resistance bands is very simple. You only need an appropriate tension resistance  band with your feet as an anchor. (As seen on picture just above)

  • Stand shoulder width apart on resistance bands centered. Your feet will act as an anchor to add resistance on the band during the execution of the exercise. 

  • Starting Position:  get into lower squat position and hold the resistance band at shoulder height as seen on the left image above. You should feel slight tension in this position. 

  • Engage your core and exhale slowly to drive yourself into standing position with hands fixed at shoulder level. 

  • Hold the standing position for a second to feel the tension of the bands.

  • Slowly sit back down to the starting position and repeat. 

Benefits of Resistance Band Training

Workout Anywhere & Anytime

Resistance Bands are flexible , light and inexpensive exercise equipment to have at home or carry in your backpack. This allows you complete freedom to workout anywhere you like. It takes away your excuses of no gym access , hectic schedules or travelling. 

More Safe Than Conventional Free Weights 

Conventional free weights training with improper form or ego lifting often lead to various gym injuries such as joint pains , lower back pains , shoulder tears , pec tears and more. Resistance Bands are much safer as it takes away the jerkiness of free weights with smoother time under tension movements. Resistance band exercises are highly recommended for beginners or athletes recovering from past injuries. 

Resistance Band Exercise Is Cost Saving

Creating a resistance band home setup is relatively inexpensive compared to free weight stations. Resistance bands are fairly inexpensive and a complete set can be bought under 100 USD versus 1000 plus USD cost for free weight setup. Beginners can save on gym membership fees and start working out at home and as they get strong they can get into the gym. 

Resistance Bands Combined With Free Weights

Resistance bands are very versatile gym equipment , you can perform advanced exercises by combining resistance bands with free weights . The combination adds superior time under tension and eliminates jerky movements. Resistance bands can help athletes get past their plateaus with advanced level resistance.