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Neuroplasticity : Ways to improve your brain health

Neuroplasticity : Ways to improve your brain health

This article is a deep dive into our most important “muscle” - the brain. If we understand the functions and processes, we can better realize our physical potential.

The Dictionary defines neuroplasticity as the ability of the brain to form and reorganize neural connections, especially in response to learning and/or experience and/or following injury.

This characteristic of the brain led to extensive scientific research in the name of neuroplasticity to aid in human brain health and furthermore achieve brain health longevity. The following points provide an insight on how to improve brain health which as a result could reduce the risk of developing age related conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.



Aerobic exercises release endorphins which is considered a wonder drug by modern science. Aerobic activities help maintain a healthy weight, trigger great mood and drive up energy. A well built and consistent aerobic workout routine is known to manage chronic diseases such as high blood pressure.

Exercise also affects us at the genetic level, it activates gene profiles responsible for creating Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Research conducted in 2013 (by American Medical Association) suggest that BDNF stimulates brain cell growth and therefore reduces the risk of developing neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia.   

Team MGactivewear (Sportswear,UAE) recommends :

  • It’s best to be active as much as possible. Walk more and opt to take the stairs instead.

  • Incorporate either 30 minutes steady state cardio or 15 minutes HIIT in your workout.

Fight Inflammation with food


IBD represents a group of intestinal disorders that cause part of the digestive system to become inflamed. To fight these conditions it’s important to be aware of our eating habits.

Diet is a vital lifestyle factor in regulating not only our metabolism but also overall brain health. What you eat has immense power to improve brain health specifically and overall health generally. On the other hand, a bad diet can destroy all your hard work and set you down the path of regret and compulsive eating.  

Let’s start with limiting the amount of sugar intake and reducing the portion size of carbohydrates. Maximise intake of healthy fats and fibers to reduce inflammation. Improve your brain’s potential by way of increasing foods which are rich in antioxidants and anti inflammatory compounds.

Team MGactivewear (Sportswear, UAE) recommends :

  • Above ground leafy vegetables

  • Olive and coconut oils

  • Blueberries

  • Avocados

  • Dark Chocolate

  • Oats

Maintain a good gut bacteria

Research done by the Journal of Neuroinflammation, links inflammation in the gut, especially inflammatory bowel disease(IBD), to damage in the brain. The study shows that inflammation halt’s production of new brain cells and existing brain cells continued to decline at an increased rate.

Team MGactivewear (Sportswear, UAE) recommends :

  • Avoid Alcohol and tobacco consumption

  • Reduce intake of fast food made with preservatives.

  • Maintain a consistent eating schedule

Activate and engage the brain

It is very important that we emphasize on mental alertness and active critical thinking. Our brain cognition is very strong, but we have to use it or we will lose it. Nowadays, we are facing growing dependence on smart devices and feeding our brains with junk from Social media. Prolonged interaction with the social environment online is turning us into followers and imitators as opposed to our natural roles of explorers and innovators. We are becoming passive thinkers and end up just resorting to our smart devices for information all the time. We have stopped writing by hand, memorizing telephone numbers and even reading full sentences. With social media and artificial intelligence we expect desired information to pop up in bright colors and tell us what to do. It is up to us to break this habit or at least keep it under check.

Team MGactivewear (Sportswear, UAE) recommends :

  • Pick up a musical instrument

  • Start writing with pen and paper instead of smart pads and devices.

  • Art and crafts

  • Crossword puzzles and memory games

  • Read high quality articles

Nurture Relationships


Humans are naturally social creatures and thrive on positive social circles such as community, friends and family. Studies (conducted by American Journal of Public Health and Lancet) show that socially active people experience a lower incidence of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

People feel isolated especially when they are working or studying abroad and find themselves in a new country with relatively new culture. This can lead to depression and can even lead down to the path of destruction. In such circumstances people need to first be fearless and take steps to reach out to others, like colleagues at the workplace or other students in college. Develop a positive social circle with positive habits such as working out, weekend travels and other shared hobbies.

Team MGactivewear (Sportswear, UAE) recommends :

  • Join classes at the local gym

  • Find mates with shared hobbies

  • Take initiative to start a conversation

  • Life is too short to worry about what others will think.

  • Positive steps will bring you closer to positive outcomes.

Rest and good sleep


We have all gone through burnouts in life with heavy peer pressure to party all night and work pressure to put in those countless hours on a project. We often give into the pressures and give up on our rest. Poor sleep patterns can lead to instances of neurodegenerative conditions like dementia. Hence, it is vital that we start making the right decisions and prioritising our health by getting good sleep and waking up well rested.

Team MGactivewear (Sportswear, UAE) recommends :

  • Reduce excess stimulant consumption like coffee, tea, pre workouts and tobacco

  • Reduce night light exposure such as smartphones and PC

  • Plan your day smart and avoid late night activities on a regular basis.